
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main (){
string Read;
string mid_price;
string city_mpg;
string high_mpg;
int n = 57;
float city;
float avg_city = 0.0;
float high;
float avg_high = 0.0;
float price;
float avg_price = 0.0;

ifstream read_file(“93cars.dat.txt”);
if (read_file.is_open()){
for (int i =0; i < 93; i++){
getline(read_file, Read);
mid_price = Read.substr(42,4);
istringstream buffer(mid_price);
buffer >> price;
city_mpg = Read.substr(52,2);
istringstream buffer2(city_mpg);
buffer2 >> city;
high_mpg = Read.substr(55,2);
istringstream buffer3(high_mpg);
buffer3 >> high;
avg_high = avg_high + high;
avg_price = avg_price + price;
avg_city = avg_city + city;
getline(read_file, Read);
cout << “Failed opening the file” << endl;
avg_price = avg_price/93;
avg_city = avg_city/93;
avg_high = avg_high/93;
cout << “Average midprice: ” << avg_price << endl;
cout << “Average City MPG: ” << avg_city << endl;
cout << “Average Highway MPG: ” << avg_high << endl;
return 0;

This one was a easy but a little tricky I think but at the end I could make it work.

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